Bestseller In A Day


 now you can make sure YOUR  BOOK, PRODUCT or course is a bestseller with my help!


.I know how hard it is to get started…

Or even get going for the 10th or 100th time.

A course is great – and trust me, this one is – but sometimes you need that extra help and hand holding to make sure you get it right the first time…

Which means you save a ton of time, hair-tearing and going round and round in circles because you have a mentor taking you through this step by step to your very own bestseller.

And that mentor is me.

Yep – you can benefit from my 20 years as an author, marketer and product creator to help you take a surefire shortcut to success.

This won’t be for everyone and that’s great because I can only take on 10 people otherwise it would not be fair.

You get dedicated email coaching with me 5 days a week for the next month.

We can also hop on Voxer.

You can ask me anything to do with the course and how to implement it.

There are some simple rules: 

1. Your month commences from the day after you sign up – this is to allow you time to go through the initial Bestseller In A Day Course. 

2. One query per email or Voxer message so that we can focus and implement, i.e. not a huge list of things but one specific question.

3. You will be given a dedicated email address for your coaching. Please only use this to communicate and Voxer if we set it up, otherwise things get confusing.

4. Please allow me 24 hours (although it will usually be a lot less) to answer your question as I tailor my answers and may need to create or collect resources and material to send to you to help.

I resisted doing this kind of mentoring and coaching for a long time but I firmly believe it’s the way to achieve extraordinary results and ensure you can repeat those results.

Coaching like this normally costs around $997 a month. My individual rate per day exceeds that.

But because I want to also give you some extended material I am working on and would value your feedback on that, I am offering this at an insanely low rate for those first ten people only.

Will one of them be you?

Get the personalized shortcut to success!