Bestseller In A Day


 steal my templates to get your bestseller out there in the blink of an eye (or a few clicks)!


Know how I do things so much faster?


With templates.

I am a big believer in templates because they are a genuine point and click solution that not only save hours of time but can add perceived value to a product.

After all, would you rather buy the product with the clunky cover circa 2009 or the polished, professional one that promises the same professionalism in the product itelf?

Major brands have known for years that packaging is everything.

Get it right and you can turn an outdated or mediocre product into something highly desirable.

Get it wrong and you can turn away buyers who are put off by something that simply does not appeal.

You can create the most amazing product or course and watch it bomb if you don’t get the marketing right.

Branding and packaging is a vital part of that marketing.

Just think about the brands that rely heavily on aesthetic appeal like Apple and Nike and you will understand that looks may not be everything but they certainly help win hearts.

With that in mind, I constantly evaluate and improve my branding and packaging.

I have worked with a number of designers over the years and have also honed and improved my own design skills using a variety of software tools.

I earned my marketing chops working in a number of bricks and mortar branding agencies and like to go old school when it comes to taking branding very seriously indeed.

The results have been impressive and allowed me to successfully reposition and relaunch a number of my products and brands as well as create new ones.

You can do the same using any number of the tools out there although Canva remains my current favourite.

With that in mind, I worked with my designer to create something I know you need – easy to use yet beautiful templates for eBooks, Workbooks and Worksheets that you can use in your courses and products.

The same kind of courses and products from which I’ve earned this on one platform alone (I have at least 10 I use regularly):

Do I use these templates? You bet. That’s why I designed them – for me. And for you.

Get the copy and paste shortcut to success!